Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Iowa people are like cats...

 As a Minnesotan you take for granted the friendly faces, eye contact and hello’s from strangers.  I guess you could say that our Minnesotan ‘nice’ makes us a lot like a dog.  We wag our tails and are so happy to see someone new that we roll over and show our soft bellies. 

Since moving to Iowa I can only access that people here are a lot like cats.

Everyday my dog and I journey out for our walks. What blows my mind is that even though I see people walking around the lake every single day… no matter how many hellos I say or how many head nods I give. The second someone makes eye contact with you here they immediately find something devastatingly interesting like "Dora the explorer" flying in the sky, and they all but stumble over their own feet just to avoid a awkward hello with a stranger.

Thus, the people of Iowa are like cats. They only want you on their terms.  They are the snobs of the animal world and will give you affection when they decide that they want it from you.

Come on Iowa… This Minnesotan needs some to meet some dogs unafraid to put themselves out there and meet some new people ;) 


  1. It'll get better...hang in there. I've lived in TX all my life and the people here vary A LOT!

    1. I have family in TX ;)

      So we know there are some good ole dogs down there!

      you are right though... people really do vary.
