Monday, September 10, 2012

Bring it on 5k

On Oct 6th I will be participating in my first 5k. 

It’s the Color Run in Cincinnati. Yes it’s the one where you start out in white… and at each 1k random strangers throw handfuls of color at you. Yes, I’m paying people for this.  LOL

                                                                 ^^^^^PROOF ^^^^^

The best part about this 5k is it will be a marker of a new life for me. One of the largest goals I have is to eventually participate in a marathon. This being my first 5k and I not being in great shape will be walking.  I know that makes it less exciting but I plan on having the max amount of fun with this. You have to crawl before you walk, you have to walk before you run and you have to run, run, run, before you run a marathon.

Doing this forces me out of my bubble and I’m ready to break that bubble.

The best part of the color run is that I intend to run it next year.  Run it. It will be the start of a summer that I plan on participating in at least 2 full marathons.  I cannot wait to achieve this first milestone.

Did I mention the tutu??

That’s right… I will be rocking both my Bodymedia armband and a glorious white tutu!!! If you’re going to have fun with me you’ve got to be prepared to deal with my funny side.

I will be venturing from Des Moines IA, heading to Chicago (to pick up my best friend) and finally hitting up Cincinnati for the run.  My poor friend will have to take photos of me rocking a tutu covered in all sorts of colored powders and he’ll still have to tell people I’m his bestie. Love it!!!

I would like to give a shout out to my girl Jessica, for which without out her inspiration I wouldn’t be road tripping to Cincinnati and making my first 5k. Thanks Girl!!! Next year we’ll be finishing side by side! 

To top off this adventure... nothing is better then getting a fantastic deal on an amazing hotel!!! Check this place out!!! Oww OWw!!!


  1. Grrrrr I'm so mad that I cannot make it. I'm going to kick my hubby's butt next time I see him, for forcing me to stay home. :-P

    1. awww... just think... you inspired me!!! :D

    2. I'm so excited that your coming now!!!! we are going to have a fun color run girl!!!

  2. Woohooo...I'm doing the color run here in Houston on Nov 11th. I was super excited to see it being done here; I signed up as soon as registration opened lol. You will totally rock it!! We must see photos from this too :-)

    1. Girl we are going to run this together separately ;)

      I cannot wait to snap some great photos and you better too girl!! Perhaps you should find yourself a tutu as well!!

    2. Girl I'm going to be in Houston in 7 days on a layover to Cancun!!! I will wave to you as i pass :D
