Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My BodyMedia baby has arrived!!

Boy oh boy!!! Look whats here!!

I squealed and did a little happy dance when my doorbell rang this afternoon :)

I have to say with all the anticipation, planning and waiting for this to arrive I'm finding the 4 hour additional wait to play with my new tool to be killing me. Really...would it have killed you BodyMedia to have this slightly charged for the ADD consumers out there?? ;)

After stabbing my way through the plastic clam, holding my new baby pearl, I immediately notice that there isn't a lot of info with this product. I, being a info junky, found the interface between an armband and a website with unclear focus to be a little irritating. I will not let this ruin the excitement I have however.

I've decided that tomorrow morning I will start my new journey into the BodyMedia fit world and I hope that by that time I've figured out how to link this up with not only my computer but also my smartphone.

Oh little baby pearl... I cannot wait to take you out into the world and break you in!!



  1. lol...i think you'll love it. I've only had mine a few days and I'm already hooked. I decided not to buy the LINK because I have a mild case of OCD and all that information at my finger tips would not be good...lol. I did download the app for my phone and I use it to input my food.

    1. Oh girl you have no idea ;) you and I and OCD here we go!!! I've decided that tonight I will wear the band to sleep... from then on everything will be logged.

      Right now I'm just playing around with it.
