Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Nutritionist or Doctor

5:30 am is the perfect time for sleeping… Or, cleaning, dancing and blogging as it turns out.

One of the ideas rolling around in my restless head is what’s the next step for me?

I have goals…

One of those goals being the immense amount of weight that I need to shed from this frame.  Since coming home from Mexico I’ve had one excuse or another for why it’s just not happening for me.  While the unfortunate truth of the matter is that I’m the only person in control (or lack there of) of what I’m putting into this body or expecting out of it. Believe me this is not the revelation I was looking for.

Doing this alone, or winging it, isn’t working for me. I think its time to bring in a professional. Someone who has helped people fight off years of bad habits and self-doubt.

So the question is: Nutritionist or Doctor?

All feedback would be greatly appreciated :)


  1. This chick is awesome. :) http://www.fatnutritionist.com/

  2. I totally understand where you are coming from. My suggestion is both. There may be some mental/emotional reasons as to why you are making the food choices you are making. Seeing a Nutritionist will help you with the food foundation; while visiting with a doctor can help you with the physical/emotional aspect.

    I realized (or admitted rather)...that I am not happy with my life. This it's what's keeping me from maintaining a healthy weight. I can lose weight (mostly from stress), but I gain it right back (mostly from stress). This is no way to live. You are not alone... we are definitely in this together.

  3. Awe Eve you are fantastic!!! I do know that a lot of what I'm facing is not just about diet as well. Maybe you're right in involving a combination of the both.

    I'm planning on meeting with my doctor next week. Hopefully I will have a great action plan after that. :)

    Thank you so much for your support and feedback!!!
