Saturday, September 8, 2012

what? I'm light as a feather

It’s an amazing feeling to find people that are motivated like you. Motivated to make a difference, motivated to make a change and most importantly motivated to experience the hard work and dedication its going to take to want better for yourself in this world.

Yesterday I poured my heart out on my “who am I” post… Big girls do not talk about their actual weight. Lordy, my husband has no idea how much I weight and if there was someway to dodge the infamous scale at the doctors… my doctor wouldn’t have a clue either. It took quite a lot of guts to say where I was in my journey and how I got there. And what happened?

After posting I freaked out!!! I thought about deleting the post… deleting the blog and deleting all evidence of the existence of a person wanting to better herself.  When you put yourself out like that you never know what kind of response that you’ll get.  

So instead of being spammed by a bunch of cowardly Internet hatters, I got a ton so support and I might have even inspired some people in the process. So while I still feel a little exposed (and I mean no clothes at all kind of exposed) I’m glad that I had the guts to do it. 

On a side note... I hit up yoga in the park again this AM.  I Christine SkinnyLadysomeday... is by no means a yogi.  :) 


  1. You are awesome. Thank you for putting yourself out there - you inspire me to keep going! :)
